Teammate Spotlight: Tiesha Ward

Tiesha Ward is an Admissions Coordinator for the Faith Presbyterian Hospice (FPH) Admissions Office. In her role, she verifies insurance coverage, processes patient authorizations and assists with incoming referrals. We sat down with Tiesha to learn more about her through a fun question and answer session. Read about this dedicated teammate below.

What are you passionate about regarding your professional role?
I am passionate about sharing joy, light and happiness with everyone around me!

Favorite memory/moment to date during your time at FPH:
My favorite memory to date is the time that our office celebrated spirit week! We designated a festive theme for each day of the week, and it was so much fun to see our team participate.

What do you think sets FPH apart from other hospice services?
The FPH culture is what sets us apart from other hospices. The families we serve always express that our teammates treat their loved ones with kindness, care and patience and they truly appreciate how we work together, offering comfort not only to the patient but to the entire family.

On the weekend, you can find me:
On the weekend, I am typically shopping with my little one or hanging out with my friends and family.

Tell us about your hobbies:
My hobbies include online shopping, playing dress up with my baby girl, trying new dishes in the kitchen with my husband and going on brunch dates with my friends.

What are some of your favorite foods and restaurants?
I am a southern girl from Mississippi, so I’d have to say that my favorite food is fried catfish. If I have a craving for something delicious, you can find me at Chiloso Mexican Bistro enjoying nachos. My all-time favorite dish is Cajun chicken pasta.

What is something that makes you feel proud?
I am most proud of the woman God has made me during the past few years. Within the span of four years, God has blessed me to become a wife and mother, and I couldn’t be more thankful.

Share about your family:
My husband, Justin, and I share a beautiful two-year-old baby girl name Justice. A fun fact about my household is that my birthday is the day before my daughter’s birthday and my husband’s birthday is exactly one week before mine.

How would your friends describe you?
I think my friends would describe me as honest, supportive, thoughtful and whimsical.